Poetic Justice is a collection of poetry by youth incarcerated in Sonoma Juvenile Hall. In a six-week poetry program taught by poet-teacher Margo Perin and generously funded by a California Poets in the Schools' Community Grant and a SCOE mini-grant, youth in the outstandingly creative, warm and supportive classes of Michelle Scarboro in HU2 and HU6 dug into their imaginations and crafted poems about their lives, hopes, and dreams. At the end of the program, the poets created chapbooks, whose covers are exhibited below. For reasons of privacy, all names are initialized, except for Michelle Scarboro's whose poems were written at the same time as the young poets and which we are delighted to include. It is because of teachers like Michelle, who invite poet-teachers to work with their students, that poetry can exist behind the walls and allow youth to examine and process their thoughts and feelings through art. This anthology is dedicated to the young poets, Michelle Scarboro, Cliff Schlueter and the staff at Sonoma Juvenile Hall and SCOE, and California Poets in the Schools.
LIFE I was born in a hospital To a mother with no father My mother was sent home as a single parent With three other young kids Her only employment was at a diner Where she had to quit Because of having me My father had left my mother Once she found out she was pregnant We lived in an apartment complex Which was soon to be sold My mother had asked my wealthy grandmother If she could help her buy the complex With the thought of paying her back She did My mother became wealthy within a couple of years And eventually moved into a nice, big Fountain Grove home That’s when I started going to school School was never my thing Eventually, I got into trouble And got into the system for robbing Fountain Grove houses And was sent to Juvenile Hall when I was twelve And got out 19 days later I kept going to school And started smoking weed And kept getting violations for dirty tests And getting suspended from school I kept getting sent back and forth to placements For my mother not being able to keep a good eye on me I kept running from the placements And getting into trouble Then the judge had finally sentenced me to a year in Juvenile Hall With getting out with no probation And here I am in Juvenile Hall with no way out. The reason why I started robbing houses is because my friends at school said it was cool and I could get a lot out of it. A.F. At the age 13 I was born in Santa Rosa, CA I use to get along with everyone At age 14 I went to middle school at Santa Rosa I use to play soccer at that time I was playing in a team I love it I use to get in trouble a lot For smokin weed and selling at school Then I start to gang bang At age 15 I was still gang bangin I love what I did and do It went on forever Age 16 This is where I am at right now. K.T. I was born and raised in Santa Rosa, California I am 17 years old and am locked up My life was full of sports and jokes And family I stopped playing sports and Found a new hobby When I was around 13 years old I found new friends I’ve never hung out with people my age Because I looked older I started getting into trouble at school And started smoking dank I later got arrested And a new chapter had begun J.V. This person grew up in a house of chaos. Had 2 different step-dads, Which his mother had a kid from each man. When the child was conceived the man left each time, And left this woman to raise a total of 7 kids, 4 boys 3 girls the girls were all older, And raised by the woman in this story, From the two previous relationships. When growing up the oldest boy, At 6 years old was able and had to Change a diaper, make a bottle properly, By the age of 9 was even supplying money to buy food and pay bills, So his mother didn’t have to work 2 jobs Anymore. By the time he was 14 He was making $5,000 a month in a life that didn’t pay Nothing but prison. People loved this kid He was an athlete Was succeeding at school And had all the potential in the world But who knows what he will be. J.V. I was born in Los Angeles I am 18 years old I live with my mom and brothers I have a girlfriend that is great I been with her for 8 months already I live in a small town up North. It is called Cloverdale I lived there for about 3 years already, When I was smaller I used to live there before But then I moved to Rosa Cause my mom found a good job there Then she met up with my step-dad again And so we moved back to Cloverdale cause he had his own house there Now when I started getting older, I started getting into a lot of trouble But when I was smaller, I never did. Anonymous Just the Beginning I was born and raised in a state of crime In a city of thieves In a horrible time I walk this path that I chose for myself Married to the streets in sickness and health Searching for wealth but can’t seem to find The ones I look up to left me behind I walk through the valley with the shadow of death He breathes down my neck With me every step I sit back and think What will I be Will my sons or my daughters be anything like me I pray that they won’t I hope that they don’t But in the end that’s all we have, hope J. I was born on July 26, 1999 My father was not there It was only my mom and her mother, My grandma Over the years of my early life I never knew my father My mother was in and out of jail And I was being bounced around From living with my mom To my grandmother. As I got to age 8 my mother got married To my step-father And their marriage first turned out good But then my step-father started drinking Heavy My mother and step dad would get into fistfights and fight in front of me My older brother who was 11 At the time, During the same time my mother started taking a lot of pills All the time And was drinking heavy, While fighting with my step dad, During this time my mother ended up having my first little sister With my step dad. After about a year of the same things going on in the house My mother then was getting very depressed And ended up using harder drugs She left me, My brother, And my little sister, With my step dad. At this point in my life I had met my biological father A handful of times He seen how I was living He didn’t like it so he then took me I moved in with him and his girlfriend at the time But then they broke up soon after He left and I had to stay with his girlfriend We moved in with her parents, I stayed there for about 1 year and 6 months Until my mother was clean and staying out of trouble. Once my mother got her life together again and So did my step-dad I then moved back in with them And my sister, And brother, From there on they have both been clean And sober And ended up having my second little sister. Around this time I heard my biological father was sent to prison Facing 28 years to life. J.C. The Hair Cut At probation camp I cut my friend’s hair His hair was long and shaggy But at least he washed it I hope everyday I had clippers They were long and rectangular With sharp blades I started at the back Worked my way up He said nothing I said nothing He was damn near bald At the end But he stayed being my friend N.F. I was born September 4, 1998 in Santa Rosa I was the second child of my parents’ marriage. My parents were hard workers but couldn’t raise me When I was one I was sent to Mexico To live with my cousins I come back at 4 years old and lived with my parents And was enrolled in school. Through out time I would go to vacation And be with my cousins from Salinas. I looked up to them a lot When I was in 4th grade My mom was diagnosed with cancer. It shocked my family and I’ve struggled with it. Until 6th grade she survived it. In 7th grade my mom was diagnosed with cancer again By 8th grade she was at the final stage. We went to Mexico so she could say good-bye to her family. We went to Salinas as well to say good-bye I started to hang around my cousins more. In the ending of 8th grade year My mom was in her last days In summer she finally passed away at 30 years At the same time my dad had gotten in an accident at work He was injured and been on unemployment ever since I had a job freshman year and went on working til senior year Until I got arrested. When I got out I continued in school bought another car and was doing good I eventually got arrested again and been in for a month I got out on my sister’s birthday August 9 and did a program on the path of graduation Until on October 8 I was stabbed multiple times over a fight I was given a violation and I’ve been here ever since What has kept me going is my little sister, my girlfriend This is all a set back E.L. Born and raised in L.A. Hurt and terrified -- Looking for love, acceptance. Went to college; Blossomed, loved, felt afraid, Convinced loss would come, Struck out. Graduated, Worked, Married. Wanted to die or kill, Divorced instead. Felt a failure. Kept working; loved my job, my students -- Got bored, changed schools; Married again, Bought a house, Got a dog, Had a baby. Got a great job, Felt I’d finally landed. Husband’s job changed -- Moved to cold hell, Isolation, Broken body, Resentment, Hatred-- Debated who or what I hated most. Survived barely; Lost parts of self, but didn’t die. Moved to a kind place, Made friends, acted normal; The Ozzie and Harriet gig. Made cupcakes, Planned birthday parties, Hung out with teens, Sparks of life, Mentored interns; Got job I liked. Husband shifted careers, Son angry and depressed While I celebrated return to California -- Knew I’d miss friends, but didn’t really care, I would be home. Though I couldn’t teach and had to make do. Changed jobs often, finally back in classroom; Struggle, passion, antagonism, painful good-bye. Substitution for job, Substitution for life, on/off on/off End of year Community school -- I was blind, I was in love. My heart was cut out again. Substitution for job, Substitution for life, on/off on/off End of years Alternative ed -- I was in love, but I could see. Feel their pain, Fear for their lives, Pray for their futures. Try to balance hope and reality -- Not to give up, Not to suffer from lack… Michelle Scarboro INSIDE/OUTSIDE Inspired by Daryl Chinn's "Inside, Outside" Inside and Outside of My Life Inside I’m quiet, outside I’m loud Inside I’m alone, outside I got hope Inside I’m high, outside I’m sober Inside I got hope, outside I lost it Inside there’s faith, outside it’s gone Inside there’s success, outside there’s defeat Inside there’s trust, outside there’s love Inside there’s no one, outside there’s us Inside I’m free, outside I feel judged Inside I laugh, outside people hate Inside and outside I feel lost But someway I’ll find home! A.M. The Unknown Inside I’m a lover Outside I’m a fighter Inside he’s gay Outside he love d* Inside he cries Outside he laughs Inside he’s miserable Outside he’s Homer Simpson Inside a home I live Outside I’m free Inside she loves Outside she’s cute Inside I’m smart Outside I’m smarter Inside he’s Bigfoot Outside he has a big nose Inside I hate school Outside I want to get my diploma Inside he hard Outside he soft S.F. Inside we talk Outside we yell Inside my stomach hurts Outside I ache Inside we love Outside we hate Inside we’re free Outside we’re locked in Inside we’re in Mrs. Scarboro’s class Outside I’m learning Outside my ankle hurts Inside I don’t hurt I’m inside my room 15 minutes later I’m outside my room Inside I am neglected Outside I am wanted Inside we’re soft Outside we’re hard J.V. Blank Inside my cell Outside my home Inside I’m hopeful Outside I’m worried Inside the wall of an institution Where outside actions are judged My mom must come outside Her home to see me, Inside a box. Outside of my comfort zone, Lost inside my thoughts. Inside a superior Court room Tried as an adult, At the age of 16 Planning, hoping, praying, to see The outside Once again. M.G. Outside I feel love Inside I feel hate Outside I’m human Inside I’m bait Outside I’m careless Inside I’m free Outside I’m new Inside I’m me Outside I’m old Inside I’m new Outside is smiles Inside I don’t know what to do Outside is feelings Inside is emotions Outside is distant Inside is potions Outside I’m outgoing Inside I’m tucked Outside I’m my mom’s kid Inside I’m emotionally done G. Another Trouble Child Inside am nervous cautious of life Outside am confident, never being who am not. Inside I take time to think, hoping I get it right Outside i’m nervous doing my plans, making sure it right. Inside am lost, but found, all in one. Outside I feel loved, feeling blessed to be alive Inside is hate never to let my loved ones down. Outside I slide, but never slip, i stumble but never fall Inside I just want to forget it all Outside I made a commitment, and never quit it. Inside dreams of finer things, compact cannon Outside struggle to get simple things, cold metal on my skin. Inside nervous, but still focused on a win. Outside I won, in the dark night flashes are bright. Inside I can’t sleep at nights, dream of wetting up another’s life. Outside am humble, never risking a slight stumble. Inside am just another trouble child. Outside am just after the cash, Inside I try to do right, knowing it’s an everyday fight. Outside am blessed to be here, to enjoy life. Inside love, compassion, just wanting to live life Outside I feel stuck trying to stay on the right. A.S. Inside we watch Outside we act Inside we sleep Outside we’re awake Inside we’re smart Outside we’re dumb Inside there’s pain Outside there’s joy Inside I want something Outside I don’t Inside we don’t know Outside we do Inside we explore Outside we’re a horror Inside we fly Outside we walk Inside we scream Outside we’re quiet Inside life’s bad Outside life’s good Inside we’re poor Outside we’re rich Inside we frown Outside we smile A.F. Inside I play Outside I shit scared. Outside we attack Inside we plot Outside I can’t say much Inside I can’t stop. Inside we watch Outside we act. Inside my mind I think Outside we play dumb Inside I have a lot to say Outside I’m speechless. B.V. Outside my body is locked up Inside I’m free. Inside I feel like exploding Outside I show no emotion Outside we read Inside we picture Inside I’m stressing Outside I smile Outside I’m a charmer Inside I don’t know who I am Outside I’m studying Inside I’m learning Outside I hear people saying I might Inside I feel fungato E.L. Inside I copy a poem Outside I’m playing with my teacher Outside I’m laughing Inside I can’t wait to be free Inside I’m thinking it’s Halloween Outside I’m hating life Inside I’m hating life Outside and inside the same Inside I wish to get out of here Outside I’m counting the days Inside it’s going slow Outside it’s going fast Outside I’m happy Inside I’m frustrated Outside I take care of myself Inside I’m healing I’m alive Inside I got shot Outside I’m scarred on my chest Outside my scar is a circle and a line where it came out The marks of a chest tube on both sides Inside that’s all N.F. STILL I RISE Inspired by Maya Angelou's "And Still I Rise" Growing up was a struggle But still I rise People said I was trouble But still I rise People even said they can’t believe their eyes But still I rise Had to help my mom as a young guy Wasn’t able to go to school much But still I rise Was a star athlete But was tooken in a jiffy And it was all iffy But still I rise I was beaten and misplaced And was not able to open my eyes But still I rise I was incarcerated When I was 15 But still I rise I was charged as an adult But still I rise With all odds against me I think I’ll get life But still I rise But the whole time they really didn’t Know the real guy Today they have to look me in my eyes And today no matter the obstacle I’ll still rise J.V. I’m sitting in my cell, Wondering “What the hell.” The judge and the D.A. Want to give me that L, They won’t trial me as a juvenile, But still I rise, They won’t make me cry, And I can’t lie I’ll rise I’ll rise I’ll rise. J. You can try to spit on me, but still I’ll rise You can try to bring me down, but still I’ll rise You can try to take me down, but still I’ll rise A lot of people talk, but still I’ll rise They can try to keep me in my room, but still I’ll rise They can lock me up, but still I’ll rise A.X. These fakes I despise But still I rise People catchin’ bodies Like they think they’ll get a prize Tryna’ feed this hunger So I buy a Big Mac with fries All these fakes stink, I can’t even count the flies All these people speak, But can’t look me in the eyes I try to make my mother proud But she just looks at me and cries I’m tryna’ live my life Man, I’m tired of these guys B.B. L’s I’ve been sitting in my cell thinking ‘bout my life, They don’t want to give me months, they wanna’ give me life, I’m feeling worried cause the D.A. wanna’ hand me L’s, They don’t want to give me one, they want a couple L’s. I pray to God, hoping he don’t send my ass to hell, Lately I’ve been feeling hopeless sitting in my cell, I’m on the phone telling people just to send some mail, Said they’ll write me but sometimes I feel they never will M.G. Judge trying to throw time Longer than I’ve been alive But yet still I will rise They trying to give me life But still I will rise. They can try me as an adult But still I will rise. They are trying to keep me Locked down But still I will rise. Try to make my momma proud But she only looks at me and cries. I’m ten toes the f*%k down But still I will rise. J.V. The devil caught me With my head down And got excited Until I looked up And said “Amen.” I keep my head up Because every time I look down The devil tries to pull Me down. I’ll rise I’ll rise I’ll rise Til the day I die. A.W. You can try to bring me down but still I rise You can say what you want but I hold my head high You can try to tie me down but like helium I rise You can throw shade out the dark, But your words don’t hit hard Take no bullshit to heart, so still I rise I’ve had bloodshot red eyes Feeling numb, way too high, But I never fall down, like fire and smoke I rise. J. You can make fun of me, but I’ll still rise You can try to hunt me, but I’ll still rise You can act like you punk me, but I’ll still rise You can every day jump me, but I’ll still rise You can threaten to kill me, but I’ll still rise You can try to kill me, but I’ll still rise You can bring up the past, but I’ll still rise You can look at me and laugh, but I’ll still rise You can try to dis, but I’ll still rise You can hit me with fists, but I’ll still rise You can make sounds of my voice, but I’ll still rise You can try to bring me down, it’s your choice, but I’ll still rise. N.P. Sometimes I wonder about this place How would they tell lies I been through hell Then they decided to put me in a cell, But I still rise. When I was younger, A lot I would cry, But in here I’m by myself. Then again I still rise. Anonymous You can throw me in a cell 23 hours of the day You will never see me shut down Still I rise another day. V.G. I got pushed down But I still raised I got shot at But I still raised I’d been harassed But I still raised I’ve been disowned But I still raised I have failed and disappointed But I have still raised I’ll continue to be around 248 bricks in my cell But one day I’ll raise B.V. I can’t rise in Juvie, but I can outside. Here, I sh** on people while protected by my size. I’m chained to the walls, but soon I’ll rise. Sanity fades in here. Anyway. Even behind walls, you can still see the skies. Quite soon I’ll be let out and then I will rise. They call me a faggot and they call me a tweak. I get mad because it’s true, and I know I’m a freak. But until then it’s two weeks and then I will rise. D.T. Concrete From the grey concrete in the darkest of night Where many lose their loved ones’ life Still I rise. In pain and hate is where we choose to play, With demons always calling my name. Still I rise. Metal protectors and flesh injectors We always seem to find another way Still I rise. Sunlight day or moonlit night We stay ready to play Sometimes it doesn’t seem right To pray for my ways. Still I rise. Hate and living my ways are dark and cold Am not even sure how it ended up this way. Still I rise. Dark night, hot flashes I seen him drop so I dashed My scene is light but that’s just in the past, Now we sit in the unnatural light ttrapped within Now am asking why shouldn’t I sin. Still I rise. A.S.. You may push me down And tell me lies This is the end But still I rise You throw me out Into the tides But it works out And still I rise Big parts of my Life filled with why’s Still so confused But yet, I rise Sometimes I am Just filled with sighs But in the end I will still rise We all can go Through lows and highs No matter what I will still rise Sometimes you’re rude With much despise I look towards you And know I rise G.N. Biology, nature Culturally created cages But still I’ll rise Keeping me down Robs me of power, expression But still I’ll rise Process of creation Steals energy, life But still I’ll rise Dreams to empower Ideas to move forward Faith to do Love to be If not me ... The next Will rise And the next Will rise And the next Will soar Michelle Scarboro Fat Freakish Still Slow Stupid Still I Ugly Useless Still I rise Waste Worthless Still I rise to Disgusting Disappointing Still I rise to be Me Not who you imagined. Michelle Scarboro IN THE FOURTH WORLD Inspired by Sandra M. Gilbert's "In the Fourth World" In the fourth world I earned a Super Bowl ring In the fourth world I’m a Force Recon Marine In the fourth world I’m a boxing champion In the fourth world Democratic Socialism works In the fourth world We all own Tesla Model S’s In the fourth world There are better Indian Reservations In the fourth world My people aren’t drunks E.O. In the fourth world No one is taken from their family In the fourth world Everybody flies In the fourth world People can look each other in the eye And tell the truth In the fourth world No one tells lies In the fourth world People value their integrity In the fourth world Everybody has a father In the fourth world No one knows death Outside the fourth world Death awaits for each of you J.V. In the fourth world not your world In the fourth world I began to fly In the fourth world I began to smoke In the fourth world I began to be called Smiley In the fourth world I took your girl In the fourth world I began to be short In the fourth world my favorite numbers were 16, 19, 3 In the fourth world I was not locked up S.F. In the fourth world Everyone is equal In the fourth world People mind they business In the fourth world Grass is purple with red hairs In the fourth world People never speak on stuff they don’t know about In the fourth world People don’t step on toes In the fourth world… J. In the 4th world we have ever lasting life In the 4th world we never see pain In the 4th world we never have bad people In the 4th world we always stay lit In the 4th world we have both our parents In the 4th world we have no laws In the 4th world we got backwoods on deck In the 4th world we got it made M. In the 4th world, nobody has to listen In the 4th world, we aren’t hungry In the 4th world, we have money In the 4th world, there is no jail In the 4th world, we are right In the 4th world, we take challenges In the 4th world, we don’t have to a right In the 4th world, there aren’t decisions to be made. A.X. In the 4th world, everyone moving slow In the 4th world, everyone rich In the 4th world, we don’t worry about anything In the 4th world, everyone minds their own business A. In the fourth world we always feel free Smiles, never tears we see. In that world it just me and I maybe Even she if she wants to be In the fourth world all my loved one will be Fallen but never forgotten they will be seen. In the fourth world life is pre-rolled as great as I want it to be My mind is all I need to get what I want to achieve. In the fourth world never does anyone bleed Everyone is able to be free, to love, or to be joyful as much as they please. In that world it is whatever you can possibly dream To live where ever you thought in your dreams To get whatever you want as if it were a dream. Fourth world is something we can all wish to live in And all it takes is to truly believe. A.S. In the 4th world I won’t have to write The 4th world will be peaceful The 4th world is madness The 4th world is war In the 4th world I could sleep all day In the 4th world I could be free The 4th world has blue skies The 4th world is the new world N.F. WHY? Inspired by Pablo Neruda's "Book of Questions" and poems by John Muir Elementary School students in "Why Does This Poem Have to End?" Why are there drugs and alcohol? Why do people love to die? Why do people want to commit crimes? Why can’t we get a second chance? Why do we have to hate? Why do we have to love? Why do people have to snitch? Why do people switch up? Why do people think they’re better than us? Why do people think they have integrity When they don’t got a sh**? Why does the D.A. want to throw away the key? Why do people judge you? Why do people have big noses and look like parrots? Why can’t we live forever? What’s the meaning of life if we all die? Why do our hearts break? Why do people break them? Why do people have pretty smiles and deceiving laughs? Why do we give up hope? Why are there Fairy Tales that never come true? Why do people get happy when we come into this world? Why do people cry when we leave it? Why do selfish people lie to me Selfish people just like you? A. Why do earthquakes happen? Why is there 12 months in a year? Why is there 365 days in a year? Why is there 24 hours in a day? Why is there 60 minutes in an hour? Why is there 60 seconds in a minute? Why is there 7 days in a week? Why does the sun rise? Why does the moon set? Why can’t blind people see? Why can’t deaf people hear? Why can’t dogs talk? Why can’t penguins fly? Why are we here? Why aren’t we there? Why are people stubborn? Why is paper made of trees? Why can’t I fly? Why do we need oxygen? Why wasn’t weed legalized a long time ago? J. Why is the world round? Why have we people destroyed this beautiful place? Why have you been sitting over there doing nothing? Why are you so immature? Why do you not have respect for yourself? Why do people not know the meaning of respect? Why do people feel entitled? Why can’t they just be thankful? Why do people act like kids when they’re finally told no? Why do people try to portray to be somebody they’re not? Why is it that you live in denial? Why are children fatherless? Why are children being charged as adults? Why are you doing these things? Why do you care? Why have I come to this conclusion? J.V. Why ask nonsensical questions? Why ask metaphysical questions? Why don’t I enjoy poetry? Why don’t I have a poetic mind? Why doesn’t President Obama shed tears for children he’s bombed? Why don’t they show the articles praising Osama Bin Laden as a hero? Why didn’t Bernie Sanders win? Why is Hillary so crooked? Why is the Illuminati treated as a conspiracy theory? Why do we misuse the word theory? Why is Trump dubbed a racist? Why is everything about race? E.O. Why do you call me Daddy? Why do we run from cops? Why do we talk sh** to people? Why do we like to have sex? Why do people like to join gangs? Why are you so gay? Why do we like to smoke weed? Why do we like to drink? Why do we like to party? Why do people like dogs? Why do we like to drive cars? Why did they make jails? Why are we locked up? Why do we got to say why a lot in this poem? Why do I like looking at the stars at night? Why do people have feelings? Why don’t grown up like watching cartoons no more? Why do we have to be 21 to smoke? S.F. Sleep, it’s simple, you just lay there, Don’t move, And breathe. But for others, it’s hard. Some people take pills just to sleep. Sometimes prescription, sometimes not. Some people's’ minds race when it’s late, they Dream, some people dream about great things, others dream about what they Did when they were awake. People toss an turn all night because too Much is on their mind, So the wake up, and leave their bed. And join the rest of the sleepless souls Who wander the night. Some people Party til the sun comes up just to sleep. Sometimes when people can’t sleep, They get angry, violent, harmful. But that only leads to the system sleeping In, and when they’re locked down, there’s A lil’ light that stops you from sleeping Even more than when you were out, And the worst part, All of this could have been avoided If you Could just Fall Asleep. M.G. Why do staff have power over us? Why is the door locked? Why do people snitch? Why don’t they understand? Why do we need rulers? Why do I keep coming here? Why are there so many questions? Why don’t people mind their own business? Why am I tired? Why is the sky dark at night? Why do I look so serious sometimes? Why do I get mad a lot? A. Why are we here? Why are some of us poor? Why is there a judge? Why do we think? Why do we care? Why do we act out? Why do we sleep? Why do we eat? Why do we shit? Why am I stalled? Why can’t I think of anything? Why is there food and water? Why do people speak? Why do people say no? A.F. Why is life lonely without her? Why don’t she believe me when I tell her I love her? Why can’t she see the love I want to give her? Why did she leave again? Why didn’t she stay? Why me? Why she make me fall in love? Why didn’t she just stay away? Why? Anonymous Why do we feel love? Why does it feel so good? Why do we want love so bad? Why does it hurt in the end? Why do we trust? Why do we let one another in? Why does it make us feel so great? Why do we fight to stay? Why does she stay? Why does he stay? Why do they get to live? Why does it make no sense? Why does she make him feel like a king? Why does he make her feel like a queen? Why do we feel like a great people? Why must we lie? Why does she forgive and stand by him? Why does it seem like it is meant to be? Why shouldn’t it be meant to be? Why don’t we love and live free? Why must we be locked in between? Why does she wait till I am free? Why am I so blessed to be loved by she? Why do I keep guessing until it will be? Why don’t I just believe and be free? Why do we love one another constantly? Why shouldn’t we be happy we’re still free? Why don’t I just let it go and see? A.S. Why are there 21 questions? Why do I have to do this? Why am I here? Why am I there? Why do I feel this way? Why do I think so much? Why do I act this way? Why are there rules? Why can’t we just break the rules? Why do I have to listen? Why can’t I leave? Why do birds chirp? Why can’t I fly like a bird and be free? Why do I lose? Why do I struggle? Why do I choose this way? Why is this life so addicting? Why can’t I stop? Why do I love it? Why am I here? Why just why? N.F. Why has the Devil been callin my name? Why am I in this foolish game? Why do parents beat their children? Why do suicide pilots crash their planes into buildings? Why is HIV spreading and killing off millions? Why is there so many abandoned civilians? Why does everybody know how to operate a fully automatic? Why do people show mercy these days? Why does he have to live, sin, and play? Why is there pain and mourning days? Why with these girls, my heart she plays? Why are we spillin the blood of other people for barrels of oil? Why are bombs hitting the streets and our soil? Why do we have to make other people's temperatures boil? Why do we gamble with grievance? Why do we live in the dark? Why has the world forsaken us? Why have some wars rivals forgiven us? Why are life, disadvantages, and fails draggin? Why are a**holes and higher power braggin? Why is our new president a Republican? Why do people call me a f***-up and has-been? Why am I still here in this jail cell? Why do I feel like sh** and like I’m in hell? G. Why am I here? Why do I keep coming back? Why do I keep messing up? Why do my friends stay out of here? Why doesn’t anyone visit me? Why does everyone forget about me? Why can’t I have a good conversation with my family? Why does god hate me? Why couldn’t I have a regular life? Why do I find myself thinking about drugs? Why can’t I stop using drugs? Why do we have drugs? Why do drugs destroy your body? Why can’t I live without a substance? Why can’t I find happiness? Why can’t I focus? Why is life so sh**ty? Why can’t I escape this world? Why do I feel the need to escape? Why is no one helping me? Why can’t I help myself? Anonymous LOVE POEMS Inspired by Pablo Neruda's love poems Love Crashes I’m fallin for you too fast And at the end of it it’s gone crash. Because that is what love is And it hurts me to subside this. Breaking down all of the pieces and it’s really hurting me to see this And I’m really hoping that you would see that I’m just wishing for we to be. Something not even heard of Like cupid or something from above, But if we be It’s inevitable to see what the pain could bring But at the end of it all it won’t mean a thing. I know, things will go, One step at a time and it ends after that it’s like I’m hit with a bat in my back, And I’m hurt with a crack in my heart, And in my head goes a dart and now I’m permanently scarred. I miss you a sh** ton And it’s like you won my heart all over again, But I can’t even feel the love for a thang, But it’s like I’m a chump, But I needed a pump to revive my heart And restart my pulse And go back to the start of the source And it hurts the worse to describe my pain and with my heart it slashes But at the end of the day, I need stitches and with it all we knowin the Love crashes. G. When I do kiss you I haven't yet for reasons of my own but soon I'm sure you'll tire from being alone you haven't recovered the pain of the past so you show me affection behind walls and glass but when I do finally kiss you You will realize at last my heart was true at last N.S. My love is profound My palms are sweaty My hands are weak I can’t even stand on my own two feet I’m all shook up I’m in love My love is profound as the pillars of creation E.O. You, my love, are like A diamond that shines Bright in the dark sky. You, my love, are caring And lovely, beautiful and sweet There she was standing, under the Tree, cute as a bunny, gorgeous as a Rose blooming bright red smelling sweet as nectar. S.L. I got your back and you got mine You make me laugh at the hard times I’m by your side whether you’re with me or not You’re my brother till the end, we’re all we got on our block I’ll die for you and I’ll kill for you and I know you’ll do the same You’re always a solid one in my eyes, what you do I'll still never see you as lame I’ll never let you down again You’re my main homeboy till the end even if we both are in a separate pen This is the life we chose for the rest of our lives I love my boy, whatever happens, happens F*** what everyone else thinks, we are who we are All we gotta do for now is stay alive N. If you need a helping hand Just reach out and touch mine If you’re ever scared or afraid I’ll be right by your side If you ever need words of advice I’ll give you the best I have If you’re ever sad or depressed I’ll try to brighten your day If you’re ever sad and need to talk I promise I’ll sit and listen Whatever the reason Whatever you’re searching for Whatever you need I promise I’ll always Be there for you. A.M. The power of a gun can kill And the power of fire can burn The power of the wind can chill And the power of the mind can learn The power of anger can rage inside until it tears you apart But the power of a smile Especially yours can heal a frozen heart. A.M. I Don’t Believe in Love Love is not for me, love never came Love is not the best Love makes it worse Love can get you hurt Love is like a hole in the heart That will tear you apart K.T. Love is powerful like a single mother Love is great like when a mother sees her child do good Love can be sad like the lost of a son But if you have a great relationship Love will always be like a mother and son Like the flowers and the sunshine Of the spring It’s great because This is baseball season I love that because That’s when I see my mother Smile the most But off the field My mom worries Because I come home late And she does not know my final rest date Because I be doin the most. J.V. My love for you is your support Caring and nice we argue over dumb stuff But at the end we still love each other A.G. My love for you is overwhelming And non-stop like the waves in the Ocean and the earth spinning. We throw snowballs back and Forth at each other but at the end, We wipe them off or they melt. A.X. When you’re not here I measure the space You used to occupy Large areas become Vast and endless Deserts of you Not there. F.J. Five Eyes When I first set eyes on you, I saw a beautiful person. As we shared a seat with one another. Passing the snow, going numb in the night I felt your soft skin on mine. The second time I set my eyes on you, I got to ask for your number. Nervously I spoke while we stood in the moonlit night, I still remember the feeling of excite When I gave you my pocket light, So you could type. The third time I set my eyes on you, I saw your gorgeous caramelized skin so nice, So happy to make you smile, While I stood by your side. The fourth time I set my eyes on you, I was able to receive your present of your presence, I was lost in the night Anger and disappointment in my mind. I was blind to see your beautiful smile from within. The fifth time I set eyes on you, It was very nice, you’re so sweet I didn’t know you could be my Mrs. Right Underneath a wooden bed, We shared our night with laughs and drinks from earlier in the night. We continued our game and it ended just right. A.S. My forest was never hidden from you; The darkness real and revealed. I was there if ever you needed a guide. I’ve seen your darkness; Stood beneath the overhanging branches - Gathered my courage to enter the forest, Yet the troll stood firm, tall, immobile. The leaves I’ve raked Carry messages of love, longing, desire; They blow away faster than I can gather. I’ve heard the wind howl Branches bare, cold; Wondered whether you would feel any warmth Short of burning the whole thing down. Michelle Scarboro NO Inspired by Thane Pouncy's "No" (in "Only the Dead Can Kill") No! Don’t talk to me No! Don’t come around here No! You ain’t from there Don’t go there No! J.V. K no w Know I was 15 No, I shouldn’t be charged as an adult I know I committed a serious crime Just know I was only 15 No, I’m not going to let this define me I still have a future J.V. |