by Sofia Kerrigan
'Inside Outside" is inspired by Daryl Chinn's "Inside Out"
by Sofia Kerrigan
'Inside Outside" is inspired by Daryl Chinn's "Inside Out"
INSIDE OUTSIDE Inside I'm hurt Outside I'm fine Inside I wish to leave Outside I must stay Inside it is warm and colorful Outside it is dark and raining Inside I'm tired Outside I'm energetic Inside I work Outside I play Inside it's quiet Outside it's loud When I'm inside I wish to be out When I'm inside I wish to be in Outside things don't go my way Onside I don't mind Inside I'm sick Outside I"m fine Inside I don't want to go Outside I do Inside I want people to understand Outside I understand them Inside I am wanting everyone to know Outside I want no one to know Inside I have nightmares Outside I dream I wish my inside could be outside It will never work that way This two-part sestina is dedicated to people who lost their children MY SESTINA PART I Family is a group of people held together by love Each with a hopeful dream No hate But sometimes tears They don't have a fear Especially while together They miss each other when they're not together They miss the love They fear They are not going to dream There is more tears They start to hate It dies again because they are back again, there is no hate Together They cry 1,000 happy tears They can love They can dream Again no fear MY SESTINA PART II Until the child leaves dreading fear But no hate A dream For the child to come back, so they're together The child still held by love Many tears Still to come there is many tears Still fear The child will not return not love Hate Coming at the poem who stopped being together No dreams Will help dreams Stop tears The child is gone not together No fear Just the hate But still some love They dream and fear They cry tears and hate But together they find love |